Thursday, August 12, 2010

Taiyou No Uta

i still look for or nggosek-nggosek an amazing film, TAIYOU NO UTA. it was an old film on 2006. sebenere waktu itu gak sengaja aku liat ada film judul itu di daftar persewaan. tapi ternyata, film itu sudah dibeli orang. jadi, yaa aku hanya bisa mencari sinopsisnya dulu..

Midnight Sun (Taiyō no Uta) adalah film yang dibintangi oleh penyanyi dan aktris Jepang, Yui. Dalam film ini, ia berperan sebagai Kaoru Amane (Amane Kaoru), gadis berusia 16 tahun yang menderita kondisi kulit xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), penyakit yang menyebabkan radiasi ultraviolet membahayakan baginya.


* Yamada Takayuki as Fujishiro Koji
* Sawajiri Erika as Amane Kaoru
* Matsushita Nao as Tachibana Asami
* Tanaka Kei as Onishi Yuta
* Sato Megumi as Matsumae Misaki
* Hamada Gaku as Kato Haruo
* Kawamura Yosuke as Tatsunami Ryusuke
* Hara Fumina as Reisa
* Kobayashi Mao as Miura Yuko
* Becky as Emily
* Kaname Jun as Kudo Yohei
* Kuroda Chieko a Amane Yuki

* Yamamoto Kei as Enokido Shinichi
* Katsumura Masanobu as Amane Ken
* Takenaka Naoto as Miura Osamu
* Sato Jiro as the security guard
* Sakai Toshiya as Koji's former employer (ep1)
* Nakamura Tsuyoshi as Asami's assistant (ep1)
* Megumi Toshiaki as the hosts on CDTV SP 2006 (ep1)
* Kaiho Chisato as the hosts on CDTV SP 2006 (ep1)
* Miyata Daizo (ep6)
* Hankai Kazuaki as paparazzi (ep7-9)
* Fuse Eri
* Yamamoto Mirai

"TAIYOU no uta" or "A Song to the Sun" stars Sawajiri Erika from 1 LITER no namida as Kaoru. Kaoru has a genetic disorder called Xeroderma pigmentosum or "XP" for short. The disorder disables the skin's ability to fix mutations, thus Kaoru must avoid sunlight and can only go outside at night time. Not only that, but the type of the disease that Kaoru has also affects the brain, and thus she has been told that she may not live beyond 20.

Now, she is just turning 19, and every year her parents have a bigger birthday party for her to celebrate the fact that she is still alive. Kaoru dreams of becoming a musician, and plays her guitar and sings on the street at night. She sends her audition tapes to several record companies, but none of them accept her. One letter of rejection she gets has a message on it written by hand that says, "Have you ever really been in love before?"

As you can see from the cast list, Yamada Takayuki is in this drama too. How does he fit in? Well, one day when Kaoru was staying in the hospital, she saw Yamada's character outside carrying a guitar. He looked sad as he gently set the guitar down on the corner next to some garbage, paused and looked at it for a while, and then walked away. Kaoru took the guitar and decided to become a musician, but she has always wanted to meet Yamada's character some day and ask him why he threw the guitar away.

Yamada's character is a guy named Kouji who spends his time doing cheap part time jobs. He is also 19 years old. He's a pretty depressing guy who says that he doesn't have any dreams for the future. Obviously, there is something in his past that he wants to forget. In a flashback, we see him with theguitar fighting with some guys in order to protect a girl. We'll have the watch the later episodes to find out what it means.

Kaoru finally gets a chance to meet Kouji when she happens to see him on the street while she is playing her guitar. She runs after him and asks if the guitar is his. Kouji denies that he has ever seen the guitar and throws it into a bush. While Kaoru goes to pick up the guitar, Kouji disappears.

Kaoru doesn't see Kouji again until her friend Misaki invites her on a group date that she arranged with one of Kouji's friends. When Misaki realizes that Kaoru and Kouji already know each other, she and Kouji's friend leave them alone together.

They find out a little more about each other, and learn each other's names, but they mostly find out that they don't get along very well. Their outlooks on life are too different. Kaoru knows that her life may not last much longer (keep in mind that Kouji still doesn't know about Kaoru's disease), and she has nothing but dreams and a desire to live to fulfill them. Kouji, on the other hand, says he doesn't have any dreams at all and "wouldn't mind if he died tomorrow." Kaoru, knowing that she could easily die any day, doesn't like this attitude at all.

The next time they meet, Kaoru is being harassed on the street by some guys who want to take her somewhere. Kouji comes to her rescue and takes her away on his scooter. That's the end of the first episode.

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